Friday, September 10, 2010

I just found this.

I can't believe I wrote a poem about my class back then. I've managed to dig it out from the pass memories of our class blog. It was 3E1 and then 4E1, and then it's gone. Different people took different paths. I regretted not creating more havoc back then. Being the perfectionist, I realised how much I've missed as I've always been termed 'the busy girl'. Well I'm still am. really.. Not sure what I'm so busy with and I guessed that's the reason why I miss out that much from peoples' life around me. I guess again, no investments were made. And even now, in poly, it's about the same. Well sometimes I just have to learn that flawless pictures are not necessary the best looking, being lacked a little here and there with all of them together, that's when the picture stands out much better.

This was the poem.

Intro to our BELOVED 3E1 GANG?

3-E-1, the number one,
We must have heard this from everyone.
What's so special? It's so natural
But oh yeah, it's so fun. It's easier said then done.

It's a gang, full of fun
And it won't make us wana run.
Thanks for those of bubbly voice,
Including those who makes roudy noise.

We will always be satisfied,
And if we leave, we would have cried.
Never fear, cause they are here.
With jokers (I mean rockers),
Who'd make us think we're in a circus.

Overall, you're our all in all.
3-E-1, you're the best of all.
Without the pain, you'll never gain
Like a rainbow that appears after a rain.

So put on your best,
As teachers put us to the test.
We'll always be UNITED

Hope you know our class's specialty!
Like you enjoy those spa-ghe-er~tti.

It may look easy to break a nut,
Just like people who produce those furds.

But be A PART
And we'll never be APART!
Together we work hard,
Without any 'buts'!
Well... It's not some bombastic poem but sure had some thoughts running through it.

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