Friday, June 27, 2008

Chinese O'level Oral Examination

I have the weirdest dream early this morning about Meiyi, Darren, the drinks stall aunty and me. It's so disgusting. Don't bother asking me because I won't tell you. xp

Anyway, I was really restless. Nobody entertain me?? Social Studies lesson was a little speedy though. It's rather hard to use the right words for the explanation of the points.

Ahh..! I just pass my Emath mock Paper 1. Phew~
40/80 (What a nice number.)
I think I roughly get the graps of English lesson today. Especially the part on "significance".
On my way to art room, I suddenly felt this sharp pull on my left leg. It was stretching all right. *oww~

But when I uncover my "about to complete" sink, to my horror! Unmindful students poke holes on my ceremics sink!!! Ugly Yusoffians. Who did that? You better own up.. Or else..
Nah.. I'm not such a person with that much grudges to hold.

It was 15minutes past 12 and I went on to go for a dry run on my conversation skills for my Chinese Oral with Mdm Goh which would take place in lets say.. 1hour 45minutes? I wasn't in the mood to read the notes anyway. I was the last to get practiced but I only got less than 5minutes to go through with her. *Sigh*

On the hot seat of the actual oral, waiting for my turn, I got out my doodling pencil and eraser and spent my time.. hehheh.. doodling~ I really wasn't able to absorb much. Ohya.. I was intending to burp but I ended up vomitting a little in my mouth.(I really mean little, don't be disgusted.) I got it out on tissue and everyone around me was like, "eee.. eew.."
What?! Everyone vomits..

After awhile, I got a headstart of reading the notes on doing CIP because my friends were saying it's on CIP. I went in, heart beating like it can't stop. I mean it beats faster. +.+
I read through, trying to catch my silent breath. Thank God! He gave me the words to speak for my discussion. Even though there's a little pause here and there. But my spirits were greatly raised eventually and start to care for the oral.

Later, Some of us went to visit Mrs Barnwell and her son! Some of the guys were joking about the advert, "It's a bar!" Funny~
The baby was really looking fragile with such nice eyes.
Then after, I went to find Mdm Wai to get the photos of my class on our "punishment day". The pictures are funny.

Looking forward to tomorrow's youth activity - BETRAYL!
Argh.. I have to go for Emath mock Paper 2 tomorrow morning. ).(

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