Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm left with about an hour to sleep before a new day officially starts. Preparing UCCD ppt was somewhat enjoyable when done with God's help. It was peaceful... I'm not prepared for the presentation, but prepared to show my Powerpoint. :D

ngengenge... Hwee Chin said that I like to make those whining noises. It's when Chelsea goes crazy and starts to make funny noises to make my whining known. HA. HA!

This period of time I'm crazy over Twilight Saga. How I hoped they'll come out a series of it like Smallveille. Can't wait to read the rest of the books. Sweet).(

Mummy's birthday passed really quickly. She spend it dining out with Daddy at Jake's Place. And sweetie Mummy treated her darling girls to a huge scumpcious chicken, so tender and appetizing though we could only finish half. x)

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